If someone is unable to apply the update adding ?sl=1 at the end of the hyperlink and into the browser will still force the meeting into the web app. Once the update is applied new Skype meeting invitations will look like this:Įither solution will work however applying the update will ensure a more permanent solution. The January 3, 2017, update for Skype for Business 2016 (KB3128049) can be found here as well as all the fixes it includes. It would already be added into the meeting invite automatically when the invitation is generated. No more explaining on how to add the “special” characters to the browser of the meeting link. No more tickets about users unable to join meetings. This is like a belated Christmas present for all the Skype admins out there. As if Januan update to the Skype for Business client was released that would update all clients with a link to the web app to join meetings. Well, after much demand Microsoft finally listened and realized that this was a pain and put a permanent solution in place. Besides, something like this should simply work without having to manually update links into a browser right? This isn’t the ideal solution for users because it can be confusing. If you can’t even hit the page your corporate web filtering may need to whitelist the domain, you are trying to reach. If you are still having trouble your system maybe blocked from installing plugins and you may need elevated rights to do so. NOTE: Follow your browser’s instructions for installing the Skype for Business Web App Plug-in, which is required for audio, video, and screen sharing. Press Enter to join the meeting with Skype for Business Web App.Paste the meeting link into a browser address box, and add ?sl=1 at the end.In the meeting request, right-click or tap and hold the Join Skype Meeting link, and select Copy Hyperlink.Users can manually add a hyperlink in the meeting invite that includes the ?sl=1 or follow the instructions below: By instructing users on how to add ?sl=1 at the end of the meeting url users can use the web application to join Skype meetings. To help prevent this or mitigate the connection issue, you can provide your users with the “trick”.